
  • Bims, Bimsvorkommen, Bimsgrube, Bimsabbau

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    volcanic raw material pumice
  • Bims, Bimsvorkommen, Bimsgrube, Bimsabbau

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Pumice - Volcanic Raw Materials

Pumice from the Eifel region: A natural treasure for sustainable mineral substrates

The Eifel is a picturesque region in Germany that is not only known for its unique landscape and cultural history, but also for its geological treasures, in particular the volcanic raw material pumice. This porous rock, formed by the cooling of gaseous, foamed lava, plays a key role in the production of mineral substrates. 

The natural properties of pumice

Pumice is unique: It features a porous structure while being lightweight at the same time. These properties are a result of the rapid cooling of the lava. In this process, the gases that had dissolved in the molten mass escaped, leaving behind a sponge-like texture. Due to its volcanic past, the Eifel region contains rich deposits of this natural material. Pumice is characterized by its high water permeability and good water storage capacity. 

The role of pumice in the production of mineral substrates

Pumice plays a key role in the production of mineral substrates. Its unique physical properties make it an ideal component for substrates used for container plantings and building greening. 

Improved drainage

The porous nature of pumice enables excellent drainage. This property is a particular advantage when it comes to avoiding waterlogging and the associated root diseases. In container plantings, where a controlled water balance is crucial, pumice offers ideal conditions for healthy root growth. 

Air circulation and root aeration

The airy pores of pumice ensure optimal air circulation in the root area. This promotes the oxygen supply to the roots, which is essential for respiration and therefore for overall plant growth. 

Bims, Bimsvorkommen, Bimsgrube, Bimsabbau

Long-term structural stability 

Unlike organic substrates, which can decompose over time, pumice retains its structure. This longevity ensures permanent support for the root system, which is particularly advantageous for the long-term greening of buildings and urban spaces. 

Low salt content 

Substrates made from volcanic raw materials have low salt contents, usually around 0.2 g/L (KCL), which is significantly lower than comparable products based on fired granules. Particularly for salt-sensitive crops, this is a major advantage. 


Pumice is extracted in the Eifel region with a focus on environmental friendliness and sustainability. As a natural, abundant and recyclable raw material, pumice helps to reduce environmental impacts and supports sustainable horticulture concepts. 


Pumice is adaptable and can be used for a variety of plant species and greening techniques. Its physical properties can be used in different mixtures as required to create optimum growing conditions for a wide range of plants. 

Pumice from the Eifel region is not only a high-quality product for modern garden and landscape design, but also contributes to environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable practices. Thus, Pumice is an excellent example of the intelligent combination of nature, technology and sustainability in horticulture. 

Bims, Bimsvorkommen, Bimsgrube, Bimsabbau
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