Willkommen bei KLANZ
KLANZ Autumn Fertilizer is a slow-release fertilizer to strengthen plants before winter dormancy. Suitable for all crops and lawns.
The nutrient composition is perfectly tailored to the needs of plants in late summer and fall.
With its high potash content, KLANZ Autumn Fertilizer perfectly complements the KLANZ Universal Fertilizer. At the end of the vegetation period, lawn grasses, perennials and woody plants still store nutrients. However, as these are no longer available in sufficient quantities in the soil solution, it is important to re-fertilize with a potash-rich fertilizer with trace elements.
Application amounts of 30-80 g/m², depending on the nutrient requirements of the plants. The grain size composition of 0.5-4.5 mm is designed for the application with standard spreaders.
Klanz Systeme natürlich anders GmbH
Alliger Weg 40
D-56642 Kruft
Tel: +49 2652 935189-0
Fax: +49 2652 935189-92
Email: info@klanz.com
Office hours:
Mo. - Fr.: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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