Humic Substances

  • Huminstoffe

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    What are humic substances?

Humic Substances

What are humic substances?

Humic substances, an essential component of organic soil material, are high-molecular organic compounds that result from the decomposition of plant and animal residues. 

Humic substances play a central role in the ecosystem, particularly with regard to soil fertility and nutrient cycles. 

The group of humic substances can be divided into humic acids, fulvic acids and humin itself, with each of these substance classes having unique properties and effects on the soil and plants. 

Humic acids improve the soil structure by promoting the formation of soil aggregates for example, which in turn improve the aeration and water retention in the soil. Fulvic acids play an important role in the nutrient uptake of plants as they chelate metal ions, thus increasing the availability of nutrients for the plants. 

The targeted application of humic substances helps to improve soil quality on a sustained basis, increase the resistance of plants to stress factors and ultimately increase crop yields and plant quality. 

Effects on soil and plant growth

Our plant substrates with humic acid granules and our KLANZ Universal Fertilizer use a granulate that ensures an optimum pH value for the plants, soil life and soil structure. KLANZ humic acid granules consist of highly decomposed raised bog peat featuring a high content of humic substances. These humic substances are difficult to break down due to their high-molecular structure and are therefore effective in the soil over a long period of time. 

Tests have shown that humic substances contribute to increased root formation. For many years, substrates produced using highly decomposed peat have been used successfully for rooting cuttings that are difficult to root. Humic substances can also bind trace elements and thus protect them from being washed out. Once applied, the many positive properties of peat-zeolite granules fertilized with nutrients can be seen in a clear, long-lasting promotion of growth and soil improvement. 

We also use peat-free alternatives of course, so please feel free to contact us to inquire about this option. 

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